A foreign body sensation, pain, and burning sensation in the skin of the feet may indicate the presence of a spinal cord in the body. The spikes on the legs are nothing more than warts. Most often, plantar warts appear on the feet that experience the most stress when walking. This seal rarely appears on the palm or fingers.
On the surface, spikes on the legs look little different from plantar warts. The seal may bulge slightly, causing additional inconvenience to the patient, including pain, discomfort, and problems with shoe selection.
However, getting rid of the spines like a wart is impossible. Conventional cosmetic procedures in the form of sawing or cutting away keratinized skin do not produce the desired results. Getting rid of plantar warts can be very difficult. Often, in order to resolve this unpleasant problem, the patient must consult a doctor.
Although the disease is specific, the spine can also be removed by using alternative treatments. The most important thing is to choose the most effective and safest treatment option for your health and consult your doctor first.
What Are Leg Spikes: Symptoms, Causes, and Signs
The spikes are viral in nature. The name was given education because of the sensations one experiences while walking. Often, people experience a tingling sensation that resembles a tingling.

How did it form?
Plantar warts start when white nodules appear on the soles of the feet, slightly protruding from the surface of the skin. Later, with development, the formation begins to resemble a corn or keratinized corn.The size of the spine usually reaches 1-1. 5 cm.
Instead of the usual accumulation of keratinocytes, the base of the spine is a filamentous growth. These growths can penetrate deep into the tissue. Therefore, they affect nerve fibers and cause pain in a person.
The spine may appear as a single structure or as a large group of warts. With the appearance of numerous thorns, the largest of them, the "mother" thorn, can be distinguished. All other "daughter" warts are much smaller and located around. Many plantar warts cause a lot of discomfort and are difficult to treat.

There's only one reason for warts on your feet - it'sHuman papillomavirus.
important: There is an opinion that parasites in the intestinal tract become the cause of the prickly. In fact, this is a medically unfounded misconception.
The protocol for contracting a virus is very simple. It is enough for one to scratch the skin. Afterwards, the virus enters the body and penetrates the genes of skin cells. The cells then deform and start to resemble tumors, turning into warts.

In most cases, the infection occurs in childhood. Often children contract the virus in kindergartens, schools, beaches or public showers. Only children with weakened immune systems get sick.
Appearing in childhood, the spine disappears during growth. Because adults have a stronger immune system, warts rarely appear.
The risk of virus transmission increases when the wearer's foot is injured. Scratches, blisters, cuts, and abrasions are dangerous for people who are not infected with the virus. Several factors can trigger papillomavirus in the body:
- Sweaty soles;
- uncomfortable narrow shoes;
- Rubber, impermeable shoes;
- pressure.
Symptoms and signs of disease
Spikes are a very unpleasant disease. The sensations caused by plantar warts can seriously affect a person's quality of life. This manifestation of papillomavirus is one of the most difficult. The main symptom of the spinal cord is pain. It can stay with a person until the wart is removed. The pain can be severe and is especially common when walking or running.
The spine can also be injured from a tear. Since the wart has a tissue roller around it, its destruction usually results in severe, severe pain and even bleeding. It is not safe to damage the wart. If this still happens, the wound needs to be treated with peroxide and sealed with breathable tape. It is not until the moment when the wound is completely healed that you need to pay attention to the cleaning of shoes and socks.
Another characteristic symptom of the spinal cord is discomfort when walking. This feeling is similar to stress in an organization. Patients describe it as feeling like a stone in a shoe. This is the first symptom of thorns. But as the disease progresses and plantar warts grow, the pain can come later.
Difference Between Thorns and Corn
It is very easy to tell the difference between thorns and corn. You can do this after a hot bath or shower. The steamed skin at the stratum location becomes "hairy". In the middle part of the wart is one or more black spots. It is from these black spots that the filamentous process enters the interior of the skin. Unlike corn, warts are constantly growing.

Corns are more uniform than warts. The spike is heterogeneous, it resembles cauliflower. There is a groove in the center and the entire surface structure is covered by small grooves.
important: Spines, like any wart, are benign structures on the human body. The risk of it respawning is quite high. Tissue damage, stress and decreased immunity can trigger malignant processes in the spinal tissue. Therefore, patients need prompt medical attention to combat warts and their effective removal.
So the difference is:
- The corn structure is uniform;
- Corn does not cause pain;
- Can be easily removed by file and softener programs;
- The skin of the callus is very thick and bulging, and the wart is uneven with pits and villi.
How to remove nails from legs? treatment method
There are various options for how to remove spikes. First, you should consult a doctor and get medical help. Doctors offer several tools for removing the spine.
This method is very simple and not time consuming. Usually, patients only need one operation, during which doctors can remove several small warts at a time. Typically, a single coagulation takes only 1-1. 5 minutes. The time it takes depends on the size of the warts and their total number. Local anesthesia is used to remove plantar warts.
Before surgery, doctors treat the skin with an antiseptic. Afterwards, the ring of the coagulator is adjusted around the spine, so the device heats the tissue and causes the wart to die. The temperature for cauterizing the tissue is 800 °C. This temperature cauterizes blood vessels, which helps protect a person from bleeding. After the course of treatment, a scab will form on the skin, which will fall off when the tissue is fully healed.

Removal of plantar warts with laser
Before starting the procedure, the patient must be examined. This gives you an idea of how deep the wart is in the skin. In the absence of such a check, removal may be invalid. Doctors determine how deep into the tentacle tissue of the spine and perform surgery. Before starting the operation, the doctor will inject an anesthetic under the wart. After the patient feels that the painkillers are starting to work, the doctor puts on glasses to continue the treatment.
Working with the laser, the doctor removes the pathological tissue layer by layer while cauterizing the blood vessels that supply the spine. Laser treatment is performed until the root system of the wart is completely destroyed. After the spine is removed with a laser, the patient is left with minor burns. Such burns require continued treatment with antiseptics. The wound itself needs to be covered with dry gauze and a Band-Aid. The duration of the removal session depends on the number of spines and their size.

This process involves removing spikes with liquid nitrogen. Antispasmodics are almost never used when stings are removed in this way, and the process is painless. In some cases (large spines, thin skin), pain relievers are still used. The procedure is performed in two different ways - using a catheter or a cotton swab. The latter option is used more frequently.
The doctor wipes the skin with an antiseptic, dips a cotton swab in liquid nitrogen, and uses it to touch the spike. Touching a wart should last about 5-30 seconds. Exposure time depends on the size of the wart. If the patient's spine is large and deep, longer exposure to nitrogen is required. In this case, the nitrogen gas must penetrate all layers of the skin down to the base of the wart, so exposure to nitrogen gas can last for 25-35 seconds. After the freezing process, the skin appears white-pink, which indicates that the skin cells have died.
In almost 100% of cases, the patient will have a medium-sized air bubble on the second day after surgery. This reaction of the skin to hypothermia is quite normal and indicates the effectiveness of the session. Clear or reddish fluid may build up in the bladder. You shouldn't be afraid of this, as the process shows that certain skin layers are affected during cryotherapy. The top of the bubble is usually the spine itself.
Spikes on Legs: Surgical Treatment
If there is no way to remove the spine to help get rid of the disease, the patient is advised to consult a doctor and surgically remove the formation. This method has many advantages:
- There is a high probability of complete removal.
- Effectively removes particularly deep thorns.
- The chance of recurrence is very small.
Local anesthesia is also used during the procedure. During the session, doctors remove all pathological tissue and suture the wound. However, this program also has disadvantages:
- Scar after session.
- Healing time is longer.
- Deep incisions can hurt even a few days after surgery.
The choice of spinal resection method depends on the effectiveness of past struggle methods. Also, the doctor is based on the diagnosis and general medical history.
How to deal with stings: medication
Medications help remove spikes from the soles of the feet very well. In pharmacies today you can find a wide variety of drugs with necrotic properties that allow you to quickly and effectively solve the problem.
If you suffer from the performance of thorns and do not know how to remove them, then you should pay attention to the comments on such funds:
- The cautery solution, in its composition there are two main active substances - m-cresol and phenol. These ingredients are toxic and allow you to irreversibly destroy spike cells. It should be remembered that this drug affects the human nervous system. Therefore, the drug should only be used as directed.
- A popular remedy for thorns with affordable cost and good efficiency. In its composition, it has refrigerants that allow this substance to be used to treat people of almost all ages.
- A particularly convenient medical pencil capable of removing thorns in the shortest possible time. A feature of this product is that it contains silver nitrate. It is he that has a bactericidal effect on the affected tissue.
- Budget tool with aggressive and burning properties. Sold in pharmacies as a concentrated solution. When removing the spikes, you need to be careful not to accidentally apply the product to healthy tissue. If liquid remains on skin, rinse thoroughly with water and treat with citric or acetic acid (5%).
- Universal remedy for birch tar with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. However, it should be remembered that in the treatment of thorns, it is absolutely impossible to combine this drug with other drugs.
- A special patch treated with salicylic acid. It softens the spikes and helps remove them freely. This patch should not be used if children, pregnant women have warts.
Spines on the soles of the feet are a tissue disease that can cause severe pain and discomfort in the future. Self-medication is not recommended without consulting a doctor.
Healing with folk methods
In some cases, it is possible to remove spikelets at home. However, an important factor should be considered - the disease should not be ignored. Alternative treatments will only help if you follow the rules and use the remedies correctly.
If for some reason you are unable to seek qualified help, there are several popular proven methods to help you get rid of pesky problems.
horseradish |
The main value of horseradish for treating spikes is the juice. For treatment, you will need to grind horseradish on a fine grater and apply it to the wart. Legs must be steamed before surgery. The sore must be wrapped in polyethylene and then put on socks overnight. Continue this process until the disease is completely gone. |
onion and vinegar |
Another effective tool that allows you to get rid of problems in 3 programs. Onions should be ground into a porridge and diluted with a little vinegar. Glue the thick patch to the nail and punch a small hole in it, put the finished product in it and seal with another patch on top. Perhaps a person will experience discomfort and a slight burning sensation, but the remedy must be reserved for the morning. |
nettle |
Totally painless, but unfortunately this is a seasonal method. You need to grind the small nettle leaves into a gruel. The resulting mixture should be applied to the spikes and the legs wrapped in clean burdock leaves. To maintain this design, socks should be worn on the legs. When you wake up in the morning, your skin condition will noticeably improve and the wart will be removed along with the dead skin layer of the epidermis. |
Potato |
Raw potatoes need to be grated on a fine grater, but will not squeeze out the juices. The mixture should be applied to a cotton pad and applied to the wart. For immobilization, you can use sterile bandages. This procedure should be repeated 2 times a day. The only disadvantage of treating potato ears is the long treatment time, lasting at least 2 weeks. |
sulfur |
Quite painful but effective treatment. Brimstone used to heal spikes can be extracted from ordinary matches. It should be cleaned from the head. In the wart you need to make a small indent, which can be done with nail clippers or a needle (sterile), then pour sulfur into it and set it on fire. This process must be performed very carefully. The spikes disappeared after the first surgery. |
Another incredible but very popular method of teppanyaki is raw meat. You should buy fresh meat that has never been stored in the refrigerator. A small piece should be applied to the wart and left for a while. After that, the meat must be buried in the ground. Once the meat is completely rotted, the spikes will disappear.
There are reviews of home remedies for warts, and in some cases people use very specific folk methods to help treat the disease as well. Here are some of them:
- Cement - Helps eliminate warts in 2-3 treatments.
- Nail polish - helps prevent the supply of oxygen to the wart, so it dies in a short time;
- Vinegar cake - it is necessary to knead a stiff dough on the vinegar and spread the raw cake on the affected leg at night.
To get the spikes on the legs through as quickly as possible, the following rules should be followed:
- monitor foot hygiene to prevent the emergence of fungi and other viruses;
- Increase the protective function of immunity - a well-organized diet that includes adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals;
- To prevent injury to the leg when walking, it is best to wear soft socks and soft shoes during treatment.
If you are unable to cope with the spikes on your own, you should contact your dermatologist immediately. He will examine you and prescribe the necessary treatment.